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Case: Diversity, equity and inclusion
Practical examples

Case: Diversity, equity and inclusion

Diversity, equity and inclusion are among the cornerstones of Posti’s sustainability program. We want to work together to build a culture that encourages and promotes diversity, equity and inclusion. Diversity in our work community enriches us: together, we represent more than 80 nationalities as well as different age groups and educational backgrounds. Throughout our history, we have consistently promoted a more equal work community and society. In 1864, we were the first state institution in Finland to hire women. In the 1980s, our first diversity committees were in operation, and in 2012, we were involved in launching the Diversity Charter Finland. Despite our history, systematic work on diversity and equity is relatively new both at Posti and among Finnish companies. In 2022, we began a systematic effort at Posti to promote diversity, equity and inclusion. Among other things, we conducted our first survey on the topic, which was aimed at a limited group of employees. We continued these efforts in 2023.

Targets to support diversity and equity In 2023, we published measurable and time- bound targets for our diversity and equity work. The purpose of the targets is to further strengthen diversity, equity and inclusion at Posti. While the performance indicators only cover part of our efforts to promote diversity and equity, they help us determine whether we are moving in the right direction. The performance indicators are shown in the Sustainability statement section of this report.

We expanded our employees’ awareness and competence regarding the subject through training and internal communications. We were a Working with Pride partner of Helsinki Pride in 2023. During the Pride month, we highlighted diversity and equity issues in our internal communications and through a webinar aimed at the personnel. We also participated in the Pride parade for the first time. We began developing online training for Posti’s supervisors in 2023. The training was launched in February 2024.

Case: Working in Finland

The workplace is one of the key factors in an immigrant’s integration into society. During the year, Posti employed over a thousand people who held a residence permit for an employed person. That group alone represented over 70 different nationalities. Posti is one of the first workplaces for many immigrants and plays an important role in learning how daily life works in Finland. This is not a responsibility we take lightly. We believe that by treating each employee fairly and by the same rules, we together build a society that is respectful and takes others into consideration. We also help many new Posti employees with day-to-day issues by providing information in multiple languages and being present as people.