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Risk Management

Internal control

Internal control is part of Posti Group’s corporate governance, and it is embedded into the Group’s day-to-day operations. The main purpose is to provide reasonable assurance for the achievement of organizational objectives with regards to efficiency of operations, reliability of internal and external reporting, and compliance with applicable laws, regulations, and internal policies. It helps the organization to understand the risks related to achieving above mentioned objectives and how to manage risks to an acceptable level. Posti Group’s corporate culture, governance and the approach to internal control create together the basis for internal control process. Posti Group CEO is responsible for the establishment of an internal control system within the Group. Heads of the Business Groups and Group Functions are responsible for organizing proper internal control within their area of responsibility.

The internal control in Posti Group is based on the Committee of Sponsoring Organizations (“COSO”) Internal Control framework. The international COSO framework in Posti includes the following components:

1. Control environment

Posti Board of Directors provides attention and direction by establishing governance structures, authorities and responsibilities which facilitate the implementation of the Group’s objectives. The Group’s policies and guidelines establish the frame for internal control. Integrity, ethical values and competence of Posti's personnel are the foundation for Posti’s control environment.

2. Risk assessment

Internal controls are defined based on risk identification and assessment. The risk identification and assessment are performed systematically in accordance with the Posti Group Risk Management Policy. In the risk assessment the identification of the internal and external risks is performed. Assessment of fraud risk is also part of this process.

3. Control activities

Control activities are based on documented process descriptions and identified risks. Control activities are performed at all levels of the organization and are embedded to day-to-day activities. Activities include (among others) verifications, approvals, performance reviews, segregation of duties, controls on IT systems and access rights as well as safeguarding Posti’s assets, including its brand.

4. Information and communication

The management ensures that internal control objectives and responsibilities are communicated to the personnel and that personnel are adequately trained on internal control matters. Internal control status, and any control defects identified, are timely and regularly reported according to the reporting lines, flowing down, across and up the organization. The CFO and the Group Internal Audit report regularly on the state and efficiency of internal control to the Audit, Risk and Sustainability Committee.

5. Monitoring

Posti’s internal control system and its performance over time is assessed via monitoring process. Monitoring is performed both on a continuous basis and through separate evaluations that include internal and statutory audits, and other audits such as quality system audits.

Posti’s management performs ongoing monitoring as part of its supervisory activities. The business management and group support functions are responsible for ensuring that all required controls are designed and monitored, and relevant laws and regulations are complied with. The operational managers within the organization manage process risks and ensure that control activities are performed. The Group Compliance function supports the management in the monitoring of the policies. The Group Finance function ensures that reporting (external and internal) related controls are designed and implemented and that those are monitored.

assures and assesses the adequacy and effectiveness of Posti’s internal control and risk management. The Internal Audit function is performing regular audits of Group legal entities, businesses, and support functions in accordance with its annual plan approved by the Audit, Risk and Sustainability Committee. In addition, Posti’s statutory auditor and other assurance providers, for example IT system- and quality auditors, conduct their evaluations of Group’s internal controls.

Risk management

The Group’s risk management covers all Group operations and is an integral part of Posti’s strategy and planning processes as well as other processes. Risk identification, analysis and planning of management measures are carried out continuously as part of planning processes and decision-making. The Group’s risks are assessed using probability and impact. Regular risk reviews are carried out in order to ensure the appropriateness and continuous development of risk management. Heads of the Business Groups and Heads of Group Functions are responsible for identifying key risks and implementing sufficient controls. Each employee is also responsible for reporting identified risks to his/her superior or other line management. There are specific instructions on reporting risks endangering safety, security, Posti’s business or customer relations or compliance issues. The Board of Directors reviews Posti Group’s key risks, the risk management system as well as Posti’s level of risk appetite at least once a year. The Audit, Risk and Sustainability Committee is responsible for monitoring and evaluating the adequateness and efficiency of Posti’s risk management process as well as internal control systems and for assessing Posti Group’s key risks in connection with the financial reporting. CEO and CFO ensure that the principles and processes of Risk Management are embedded in Posti’s management system and control and reporting processes.

Internal audit

Posti Group Internal Audit provides independent, risk-based assessment, assurance and advisory services designed to add value and improve Posti’s operations. It helps Posti to accomplish its objectives by bringing a systematic, disciplined approach to evaluate and improve the effectiveness of risk management, control, and governance processes. Internal audits are conducted in accordance with Internal Audit’s rolling annual plan approved by the Audit, Risk and Sustainability Committee. Internal Audit also coordinates the monitoring of the corrective actions taken by the management, and reports on the monitoring results to Posti Leadership Team and the Audit, Risk and Sustainability Committee.

Head of Posti Group Internal Audit reports administratively to the President and CEO and functionally to the Audit, Risk and Sustainability Committee. The function’s own resources and external resources are used in the execution of the audits.