Leading the way in technology and data

Leading the way in technology and data

Goran Gjorgievski

“New technologies motivate me”

In his role as Head of Software Development at Posti’s TecHub, Goran Gjorgievski oversees software development in Finland. He also serves as a supervisor to all of Posti's software developers, while also managing external consultants and partners.

Read the full career story

Posti’s technology in numbers

    Billions of

    logistics data points annually

    1 000 000 +

    users monthly in OmaPosti

    200 000

    kilometers of optimized routes daily

    60 million

    machine-sorted items annually

    150 000 +

    IoT devices in the Parcel Locker network

    300 +

    Posti employees working in the technology sector

Explore our units

My Posti Experience

All career stories
    Sonja Kimpimäki

    The dream job of product owner was found after many twists and turns

    This job allows me to challenge myself. Every day, I get to absorb as much information as I’m capable of.

    Posti employee Arnob Khan.

    From early-morning delivery to leading a 20-strong data team

    Seven years ago, Arnob Khan moved from Bangladesh to Finland to study business analytics. Perseverance and a courageous attitude took him all the way to a management position.

    Kimmo Kääriäinen and Iikka Salmela.

    The vulnerability of parcel lockers was investigated in a hackathon event

    Cybersecurity students of the South-Eastern Finland University of Applied Sciences were given the interesting task of investigating the vulnerability of Posti’s parcel lockers.