Ossi has already finished his working day when other people are just waking up
Career stories

Ossi has already finished his working day when other people are just waking up

Posti’s early-morning deliverers work independently at night while the rest of Finland is still sleeping. Martina Mutikainen from Duunitori followed Ossi during his shift to learn more about his work as he roams the city's quiet streets, regardless of the weather.

1.00 am: Loading newspapers and greeting colleagues

It is late in the evening but still light due to the long summer nights. Ossi, wearing his Posti uniform jacket, heads towards the Viikki distribution center yard to start his shift so that other people can enjoy their newspapers over their morning cups of coffee.

The distribution center begins to wake up to a new day even though the streets are still as silent as the grave. Outside, Ossi briefly chats with his colleague until he goes to pack the newspapers in his saddle bags.

"At the start of my shift, I always check my Pomo app to see how many newspapers I have to deliver and where to deliver them."

Ossi’s main task is the early morning delivery of popular newspapers such as Helsingin Sanomat, Kauppalehti and Hufvudstadsbladet.

"I can decide the order in which I make my deliveries. Usually, it takes me between two to five hours." Once he fills his saddle bags, Ossi can set off on his rounds.

"My shifts usually go by quite quickly as moving around is a good way to pass the time. If I’m observant, I can see interesting things at night that I wouldn’t come across during the daytime."
– Ossi Waenerberg

2.00-4.00 am: The familiar route progresses quickly from the saddle of his bike

Posti’s newspaper deliverers make their rounds by bicycle, delivery cart, electric scooter or car. Ossi began his delivery work one year ago in a role that involved more delivery routes.

"When they were looking for a new distributor for my current route, I asked if I could switch to this one. Right now, I’m only covering this one route as it suits me best."

Ossi is familiar with the route and pedals off down the empty street. Many people are surprised by the physical nature of the work, even though you often make your delivery rounds on familiar routes. Working the night shift also offers many benefits.

”This work suits people who enjoy exercise. I’ve noticed how much I benefit from the exercise. I’ve lost 15 kg in less than one year.”

Ossi received a thorough orientation from a more experienced colleague who showed him the ropes for the first week of his deliveries. The rest of the time, the slowly awakening city keeps him company.

"I haven’t started listening to music while I make my rounds yet as I generally just concentrate on my deliveries. Making deliveries is enjoyable enough that I don’t need any other entertainment."

Ossi’s bicycle saddle bags begin to empty as he pushes newspapers through mailboxes at a steady pace. He is already thinking about the following delivery location on his route.

"I’ve noticed that you shouldn’t let your thoughts preoccupy you too much, or you might distribute the newspapers incorrectly."

4.00 am: A peaceful last leg of the route

Once Ossi reaches the big hill, his delivery route is almost at an end. The big hill is the high point of his shift as the newspapers no longer weigh down his bags, and the last leg of his journey goes smoothly.

"My shifts usually go by quite quickly as moving around is a good way to pass the time. If I’m observant, I can see interesting things at night that I wouldn’t come across during the daytime."

Ossi often spots different kinds of animals and birds during his night shifts. During the spring, he often makes his rounds to the sound of birdsong. One time he even saw a fox.

"Sometimes, it’s also nice to just stop and gaze at the beautiful moon."

5.00 am: Time to return the delivery trolley and go home to bed

By 5 am, the delivery bags are empty, and it’s time to head back to the distribution center, return his trolley and dispose of the leftover packaging materials. Ossi’s work day is over, even though most people haven’t gotten out of bed yet.

”It’s been quite easy to combine working with the rest of my life despite working night shifts. I also do day-time postal deliveries three days per week. Otherwise, my days are free.”

Today, Ossi isn’t also doing a daytime shift so he can head home to his own bed.

"I’ve gotten used to night shifts, and I usually take a nap in the evening before my shift starts as I can sleep longer once I finish work."

You get used to the physical nature of the work quickly, but adequate rest is still important. "This is physical, outdoor work that is beneficial for you. Even better, you get paid to do it."

Career story created in cooperation with Duunitori. Author: Martina Mutikainen