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Posti plans to expand alternate-day delivery of day mail in Southern Savo


Posti plans to expand the alternate-day delivery of day mail in Southern Savo. According to the plans, the changes would take effect in January 2025 in Hirvensalmi, Juva, Kangasniemi, Mäntyharju Puumala and in Mikkeli, in areas where it is not already in use.

Despite the changes, the effects on the mail recipient are minor.

Paper Printed mail is delivered on weekdays in alternating two-week periods: on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday one week, and on Tuesday and Thursday the following week. You can check the delivery dates on the search service or.

In addition to the actual delivery days, we deliver the most urgent shipments on other days as well. In this way, we ensure that the shipments arrive at the speed agreed with the senders.

We deliver newspapers in the regions during the day, but still also in the early morning. A large part of the newspapers is delivered on the same day as before. This applies, for example, to the main newspaper of the region. However, there may be changes in the delivery times of some newspapers and magazines.

Delivery of stamped items is universal service. They are delivered in accordance with the Postal Act, and their delivery time is usually four business days in Finland.

Most of the parcels are delivered to Posti Parcel Lockers and service points as usual. We deliver small parcels with the day mail to mailboxes and slots or to the front door.

We will inform mail recipients in more detail about the changes to delivery with a public notification in January 2025.

In Finland, regional alternate-day delivery is already in use in many areas. Similar delivery models are also used across the Nordic Region. The reason for this is the dramatic decrease in the volume of printed mail.

By renewing delivery, Posti can continue to offer traditional delivery services alongside digital services.