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Posti on highest possible level on Ecovadis' sustainability ranking

Posti on highest possible level on Ecovadis' sustainability ranking


The leading global corporate social responsibility rating provider, EcoVadis, has ranked Posti on the Platinum level, the highest level possible. With a score of 77/100, we were ranked among the top one percent in the world.

EcoVadis assessed four themes of Posti’s sustainability: environment, labor & human rights, ethics, and sustainable procurement. The assessment criteria are based on international corporate social responsibility criteria, such as the principles of GRI, the UN Global Compact and ILO, and the ISO 26000 standard. The assessment is overseen by an international scientific committee.

There are nearly 21,000 of Posti employees, and everyone contributed to this achievement. For example, we have made environmental efforts for a long time: we started using electric cars in the 1980s and our first environmental program was launched in the late 1990s.

Today, we take concrete actions together for the well-being of people and the environment every day. A summary of our actions in the past year can be found in our recent sustainability report .