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Changes are planned in the administration of Posti's early morning delivery in the Helsinki metropolitan area and Uusimaa, in Eastern Finland (excluding North Karelia) and in Western Finland - the change has no impact on customers


Posti Palvelut Oy, which is responsible for Posti's early morning distribution, is planning changes to the administration of early morning newspaper distribution. The change does not apply to newspaper distributors, and the change now planned will have no impact on customers if implemented.

The continuous decrease in the number of subscriptions to newspapers and the development of the systems relating to early morning distribution have created the need to streamline and reorganize the administration and supervision of early morning distribution. In early morning distribution, there is a need to harmonize early distribution practices across the country so that further development of early morning distribution is possible as customer needs changes rapidly.

- In all situations, customers and publishers require us to take steps to control their distribution costs. In cooperation with our staff, we will review our plan starting from 22nd of January, says Regional Manager Eikka Urpilainen.

When implemented, the preliminary plans made now mean that there will be no changes to the service for newspaper subscribers.

- We all Posti employees still want to serve our customers according to contracts. It requires that we can also keep our own operations profitable so that we can also take care of the continuity of newspaper distribution, Eikka Urpilainen says.