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Early-morning newspaper delivery by Posti will be discontinued in parts of Uusimaa, and Posti starts cooperation negotiations concerning the early-morning delivery in Uusimaa. According to a preliminary estimate, the reduction need is a maximum of 370 early-morning delivery employees.The change is due to the continuously increasing delivery costs per unit, resulting from the decrease in newspaper subscriptions and delivery days. The media sector needs to seek new kinds of solutions for newspaper delivery and for delivery costs.Due to Posti’s customers’ changed needs and notifications, Posti is starting cooperation negotiations on June 13. The target group covers 538 Posti early-morning delivery employees in Uusimaa. The effect on the personnel will be specified as the negotiations progress. According to a preliminary estimate, the reduction need is a maximum of 370 employees.As a responsible employer, Posti supports its personnel in the change situation in the form of the Uusi polku program, which offers training and support for job seeking, retraining, or becoming an entrepreneur.

Posti will continue managing early-morning delivery in the Helsinki metropolitan area and in parts of Uusimaa

Posti will continue newspaper early-morning delivery as usual until at least October or November. After the change, Posti will still deliver early-morning newspapers in Helsinki, Espoo, Kauniainen and Vantaa as well as some other areas of Uusimaa. The areas where the delivery change is to be implemented are to be specified in the summer.The change will not affect Posti early-morning delivery, basic delivery or other services in other parts of the country.Delivery in the Uusimaa region covers so-called joint delivery newspapers. According to current estimates, the delivery of the joint delivery newspapers will continue until October or November. Posti will have to discontinue the early-morning delivery of joint delivery newspapers because the volume of newspapers that will remain to be delivered is too low to secure profitable operations. Joint delivery newspapers include Aamuposti, Etelä-Suomen Sanomat, Hangö tidningen-Hangon Lehti, Helsingin Sanomat, Hufvudstadsbladet, Kauppalehti, Keski-Uusimaa, Kouvolan Sanomat, Kymen Sanomat, Loviisan Sanomat, Länsi-Uusimaa, Salon Seudun Sanomat, Sipoon Sanomat, Turun Sanomat, Västra Nyland and Östnyland. Posti is currently discussing different options with publishers. According to the information received by Posti, the publishers will decide on the desired publication delivery service and delivery areas in the summer and in early autumn and shall inform publication subscribers of any changes.