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Posti's new Human Rights Principles have been published


Posti's human rights work is guided by the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights (UNGP Principles) and the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises. In addition, Posti is committed to implementing the principles of the UN Global Compact.

Posti has already previously committed to respecting internationally recognized human rights and strived to prevent adverse human rights impacts caused by its own operations. Now Posti has drawn up new human rights principles. The principles approved by the company's management have also been published on the company's website.

"As a big employer and company operating in six countries, we have a responsibility to ensure that human rights are respected throughout our value chain and that we deliver on our commitments. We actively monitor the realization of human rights and work to prevent and mitigate our own human rights impacts," says Anna Storm, Vice President, Sustainability and Stakeholde Relations at Posti.

Posti's key human rights impacts are related to the work safety of Posti's own personnel and value chain employees, the harassment and threat of violence faced by employees in their work, the working conditions of employees in the value chain, and the data protection of its own personnel and consumers.

In accordance with its commitment to human rights, Posti Group is committed to:

  • respect all internationally recognized human rights as defined in the International Bill of Human Rights and fundamental principles and rights at work as defined in the International Labour Organisation (ILO) Declaration.

  • respect and promote the health and safety of workers, prevent discrimination at work, and comply with ILO labour conventions.

  • respect our employees' right to organize

  • Posti does not use child or forced labor and does not cooperate with suppliers or subcontractors using such labor

  • and expects these basic principles and rights of working life to be respected also by its subcontractors.

Strengthening human rights is also an essential part of Posti's sustainability program updated in April 2024. Posti strives to create a positive impact on society, embodying our commitment to responsible business ensuring that our supply chain adheres to ethical and environmentally ambitious standards and practices. In accordance with our sustainability program, we are strengthening human rights in our own operations and value chain, and we create a positive impact on society through strategic partnerships and targeted charitable initiatives

Posti Group's Human Rights Principles